
台灣唯一 泥漿液靓白保濕面膜/片

台灣唯一 泥漿液靓白保濕面膜/片

  • 提供者: 佳妍妮妍J.Y.N.Y.
  • 保固期 (月): 36
商品編號: MK-007
牌價: $60
未稅價格: $18
含稅價格: $18
省下: $42 (70%)
有效: 存貨




一片取自台灣唯一,號稱世界三大特殊溫泉泥漿中100%所萃取的原漿原味液。本「泥漿液面膜」內含了大量的硫、鎂、碘、鈣、鈉、鉀、       氯、溴、鐳等多種豐富礦物質元素,是弱鹼性碳酸水質,水質滑嫩,泥漿液中所含的礦物質對於人體有美膚養顏的




1. 本產品是原漿原味且溫和安定的,若敷用時有任何不適,敬請停止敷用。

2. 皮膚敏感者,使用前先做敏感測試,無刺激反應再使用。

3. 若因個人體質以致紅腫、發炎等異常現象,應立即停用,並洽詢醫師。

One taken from the only place in Taiwan, known as the world's three special spa mud, 100% extraction puree flavor liquid. Of the liquid mud mask "containing a large amount of sulfur, magnesium, iodine, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, bromine, radium and other rich mineral elements, is weakly alkaline carbonate water quality, water Huanen, the slurry liquid. The mineral content of the skin beauty effect for the human body, the skin Whitening Gentle, prevent the skin coarse unfeigned, dilute the spot, removal of aging skin, reducing wrinkles, moisturizing, conditioning the skin, more extended 
The late skin aging. 
Full Ingredients: mud extract, aloe extract, hyaluronic acid, bearberry extract, ivy extract, collagen, preservatives, flavor. 
Usage: After cleansing, the mask Sticking in the face for 15-20 minutes, deposited with liquid mud mask, one week before the recommended daily deposited with early and later deposited on a weekly effect more than three times better 
(1) This product is a puree flavor and mild stable, deposited with any discomfort, please stop is deposited. 
(2) those with sensitive skin, do first before using sensitive tests, no stimulation reaction.
If have redness, inflammation and other abnormalities, should stop using them immediately and consult a physician. 



台灣精品街tw-ttt 臺南市新營區民族路150巷30-1號